Web Services 109Note: When enabled, the Net Guard appears only once per session.The Net Guard does not appear if the phone is merely re-connecting dueto a time-out.Web Connection Status and IndicatorsYour phone's display lets you know the current status of your webconnection through indicators which appear at the top of the screen.The following symbols are used:Your web connection is active (data is being transferred).Incoming voice calls go directly to voicemail; outgoing voicecalls can be made, but the web connection will terminate.When your web connection is dormant (no data is being sent orreceived). Though not currently active, when dormant thephone can restart an active connection quickly; voice calls canbe made and received.Navigating the Wireless WebNavigating through menus and Web sites during a web session iseasy once you've learned a few basics. Here are some tips for gettingaround:SoftkeysWhen browsing the Web, the bottom line of your phone's displaycontains one or more softkeys. These keys are shortcut controls fornavigating around the Web, and they correspond to the softkeybuttons directly below the phone’s display screen. Depending onwhich Web sites you visit, the labels on the softkeys may change toindicate their function.To use softkeys, simply press the desired softkey button. If anadditional pop-up menu appears when you press the softkey button,select the menu items using your keypad (if they’re numbered) or byhighlighting the option and pressing .A660 BMC Manual.book Page 109 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:29 AM