6 Getting Startedindicates that 3G functionality is active.indicates that you are sending information.indicates that you are receiving information.indicates that 3G functionality is dormant or inactive.indicates that an alarm is set on your phone.indicates that your phone is in speaker mode.indicates that GPS location is turned on.indicates that your phone is receiving 3G digitalservice.indicates that your phone is receiving digital (non 3G)service.indicates that the TTY option is On.indicates that you have new text messages waiting.indicates that you have new voice mail messageswaiting.indicates that you have new web alerts waiting.indicates that you have new voice and text messageswaiting.indicates that you have new web alerts and textmessages waiting.indicates that you have new voice messages and webalerts waiting.indicates that you have new voice, text and web alertmessages waiting.indicates that the message was sent.1x1xDTVWVTTWVWVTW