TEMPERATURE CONTROL6TEMPERATURECONTROLOFFCOLDMIDWARMDEFOFFCOLDMIDWARMDEFOFFCOLDMIDWARMDEFOFFCOLDMIDWARMDEFThe nearer to COLD the dial setting,the colder itwill become..................When large quantity of foods are stored..................For quick ice-marking,set the dial atCOLD position.Set the dial at DEF or OFF position with the dooropened..................After about 40 minutes, the frost on thesurface of the evaporator will begin tomelt and can be easily removed.To maintain the optimum inside condition foodstorage set the control dial at MID position..................For normal use.The nearer to WARM the dial setting,the warmerit will become......................When small quantity of foods are stored.The temperature in refrigetor is able to be changed byadjustingthe dial.Do not set the refrigerator temperature lower than necessary.After operation as continuous operation,be sure to adjust thethermostat to original position.OFForDEFSummerNormalWinterSTORAGE AND CLEANINGTO STORE FOOD EFFICIENTLY9Do not load your refrigerator or freezer with hot food. Allow suffi-cient time for cooling.It saves energy consumption and time for freezing.Cover moist foods with tight lids plastic containers or wrapped invinyl film. It prevents smell from soaking in the refrigerator.Be sure not to store bottles such as beer, cokes, etc. in thefreezer compartment.Do not overload your set with a lot of foods.This refrigerator is not suitable for storing the scientific dataand medicines.