Extended functions 38Shooting modesRecording a videoRecord videos of up to 20 minutes in length in high definition. Therecorded video is saved as an H.264 (MPEG-4.AVC) file.H.264 (MPEG-4 part10/AVC) is a high-compression video formattestablished by international standard organisations ISO/IEC and ITU-T.When the Optical Image Stabilisation (t ) is activated, your videomay be recorded with the OIS operation sound.In Shooting mode, select1 a v.Select2 f a frame rate (the number of framesper second).As the number of frames increases, action appears moretnatural, but the file size is increased.30 FPSis available only when the video resolution is 320 X 240.The location information will be recorded for photos taken usingtContinuous or AEB.The location information will not be recorded for photos taken after thetvalid time has expired while you are taking photos using Continuousor AEB.The location information will not be recorded for photos taken usingtMotion Capture.It may take some time to receive GPS signals depending on GPStsatellites.It may be difficult to receive GPS signals in the following conditions:tBetween buildings-In lowlands-Near reflectors, such as mirrors-In bad weather conditions-Take photos outdoors to get GPS signals better.tThe recorded location information may have an error depending ontthe positioning environment.The recorded location information may differ somewhat from the localtdesignation, as place names are subject to change.The time obtained the location information will not be recorded ontotphotos.Location information cannot be recorded onto movies.tThe camera uses the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84).tThe camera receives will receive GPS signals but may not display andtrecord location information, due to environmental factors.The camera may consume more battery power when the GPS featuretis active.73 nations support the GPS feature including Canada, China, France,tGermany, Great Britain, India, Italy, South Korea, Spain, and theUnited States. In China, you can receive GPS signals only for cameraspurchased in China.