67 >> Health and safety informationDo hands-free kits forwireless phones reducerisks from exposure to RFemissions?Since there are no known risksfrom exposure to RF emissionsfrom wireless phones, there isno reason to believe thathands-free kits reduce risks.Hands-free kits can be usedwith wireless phones forconvenience and comfort.These systems reduce theabsorption of RF energy in thehead because the phone, whichis the source of the RFemissions, will not be placedagainst the head. On the otherhand, if the phone is mountedagainst the waist or other partof the body during use, thenthat part of the body will absorbmore RF energy. Wirelessphones marketed in the U.S.are required to meet safetyrequirements regardless ofwhether they are used againstthe head or against the body.Either configuration shouldresult in compliance with thesafety limit.Do wireless phoneaccessories that claim toshield the head from RFradiation work?Since there are no known risksfrom exposure to RF emissionsfrom wireless phones, there isno reason to believe thataccessories that claim to shieldthe head from those emissionsreduce risks. Some productsthat claim to shield the userfrom RF absorption use specialphone cases, while othersinvolve nothing more than ametallic accessory attached tothe phone. Studies have shownthat these products generallydo not work as advertised.Unlike “hand-free” kits, theseso-called “shields” mayinterfere with proper operationof the phone. The phone maybe forced to boost its power tocompensate, leading to anincrease in RF absorption. InFebruary 2002, the Federaltrade Commission (FTC)charged two companies thatsold devices that claimed toprotect wireless phone usersfrom radiation with makingfalse and unsubstantiatedclaims. According to FTC, thesedefendants lacked a reasonablebasis to substantiate theirclaim.What about wireless phoneinterference with medicalequipment?Radio frequency energy (RF)from wireless phones caninteract with some electronicdevices. For this reason, FDAhelped develop a detailed testmethod to measureelectromagnetic interference(EMI) of implanted cardiacpacemakers and defibrillators