SyncMaster 210T/240T 4-14 Alignments and AdjustmentsThis section of the service manual explains how to use the DDC JIG to adjust the black, red, green, and bluelevels of the FPD when you replace the AD Board, and how to update the microprocessor when youchange the Panel or Lamp(s).4-1 Required EquipmentThe following equipment is necessary for adjusting the monitor:• Oscilloscope with probe tool• Computer with Windows 95 , Windows 98 , or Windows NT .• DDC Control JIG4-2 Using the DDC Control JIGAfter replacing the LCD Panel, Lamp(s), and / or AD Board, use the DDC Control JIG to complete yourservice. Attach the DDC Control JIG to the flat panel display (FPD) as shown in the diagrams, below.MONITORINTERFACEBOARD VER. 2.0PC SIGNALGENERATOR3-WIRECABLESIGNAL CABLE5V DCADAPTORPARALLEL CABLEFigure 4-1. Setup 1, With Signal GeneratorMONITORINTERFACEBOARD VER. 2.0PC3-WIRE CABLESIGNAL CABLEPARALLEL CABLE D-SUBCONNECTOR5V DCADAPTORFigure 4-2. Setup 2, Without Signal GeneratorR R R4-2-1 Adjustment ProceduresUse the following procedures whenever youreplace the AD Board, Panel, or one or both of theLamps.4-2-1 (a) When Replacing the AD Board1. Remove the old AD Board and replace it witha new board.2. Perform the procedures described in section4-2-3 (b).3. Perform other procedures using the DDCControl JIG, if necessary.4-2-1 (b) Color Auto Adjustment1. After displaying 16-Gray pattern press “+”,”–”, and “source” buttons.2. During normal execution of Auto Algorithmthe screen image may change. If AutoAlgorithm does not excute properly, try onemore.3. After normal execution of Auto Algorithm,confirm optimal settings by observing thecontrast of several different patterns on thedisplay.4-2-3 (c) White Balance Adjustment1. After displaying white pattern (on theWUXAG mode), press “+”,”–”, and “PIP”buttons.2. During normal execution df white balance thescreen, image may change.