13 14Send picture1. Take a picture.2. To send one of the following ways:n Send to My Album: Select Yes.n Send via Picture Message: Select Options > Send via> Message. At To, enter the phone number or select Add.Select Recent recipients, Contacts, or Groups. Scroll tothe desired contact or group and select Mark. When finishedadding, select Done. Enter your message and select Send.n Send via e-mail: Select Options > Send via > Email. Enteryour subject and message. Scroll up to the Add recipient fieldand enter the e-mail address or select Add. Select Contactsor Group. Scroll to the desired contact or group and selectMark. When finished adding, select Done. Select Send.n Send to Online Album: Select Options > Send via >Message. At To, select Add > Online Album. Scrollto the desired album and select Mark. If necessary,enter your logon information and select Save. SelectAdd. Enter your message and select Send.Separate charges may apply to send/receive/read domestic/international picturemessages, e-mail messages, or to upload pictures to an online album.VideoRecord video1. Press the Camera key.2. Select Menu.3. Select Camcorder.4. Frame your subject and press theCamera key to begin recording.5. Select Stop when finished recording.Locate video1. Press the Menu key.2. Select Media.3. Scroll to Videos and select Open.4. Navigate to the desiredvideo and select Play.TIP: The Camera key willnot function while in certainapplications or screens. Ifthe Camera key does notlaunch the application,return to the Home screenand press the key again.