640►•••00~Q•••AppsPlay videoView the videos stored on your device. You can save videos as favorites, and view videodetails.1. From Gallery, tap Pictures.2. Tap a video to view it. Swipe left or right to view other pictures or videos.• To mark the video as a favorite, tap Favorite. The video is added toFavorites under the Albums tab.• To access the following features, tap More options:– Details: View and edit information about the video.– Move to Secure Folder: Add this video to your Secure Folder.3. Tap Play video to play the video.Edit videoEdit videos stored on your device.1. From Gallery, tap Pictures.2. Tap a video to view it.3. Tap Edit to cut segments of the video.4. Tap Save, and then confirm when prompted.Share pictures and videosShare pictures and videos from the Gallery app.1. From Gallery, tap Pictures.2. Tap More options > Share, and then tap pictures and videos to select them.3. Tap Share, and then choose an app or connection to use for sharing yourselection. Follow the prompts.