Favorite ChannelsScreen Menu > Broadcasting > Edit Favorites Try NowBroadcastingAuto ProgramAntenna CableChannel ListGuideSchedule ManagerEdit ChannelEdit Favorites" The displayed image may differ depending on the model.You can designate frequently watched channels as favorites. The channels assigned as a favorite aredisplayed with the symbol on the Edit Channel and channel list screens. You can create up to 5favorite channel lists. You can also rename and edit favorite channel lists.From the Edit Favorites screen, select the Virtual Remote panel's or the regular remote's TOOLSbutton to access the following options:● Antenna: Choose between Cable and Air.● Edit Channel: You can manage the channels saved on the TV. For details, see "ChannelManagement".● Information: View detailed information about the current program.Add Favorite ChannelsAdd a channel to a favorite channels list.Smart Touch Control11 Select the a button on the virtual control panel to bring up the channel list containing thechannels you wish to add and then select the channels. However, the a button is available onlywhen the Recently Viewed or Mostly Viewed channel list has one or more channel entries.21 Select the b button to bring up a favorite channels list and then select the { button to add theselected channels.Standard Remote Control11 Press the a button to bring up the channel list containing the channels you wish to add and thenselect the channels. However, the a button is available only when the Recently Viewed or MostlyViewed channel list has one or more channel entries.21 Press the b button to bring up a favorite channels list and then press the { button to add theselected channels.