SPECIAL FEATURES ]Using the V-ChipThe V-Chip feature automatically locks out progranmfing that is deemed inappropriate forchildren. The user must first enter a PIN (personal ID number) before any of the V-Chiprestrictions can be set up or changed.Setting Up Your Personal ID Number (PIN)1Pressthe MENU button toItdisplaythe menu. L_ _ _ _ _PresstheV button three t_ otimesto selectthe _;g _ _;L_" unction'menu@Press the ii_ button" ©M0ve Select [TRtxitPress the • button three[_mesto select the "V-chip" menu.Press the I_ button.Ftnct_onEnter pinEnter pin : ....The "Enter pin" screen will appear. Enter your 4-digit PINnumber, Note: The defau t PIN _umber for a new TV set is"0-0-0-0."3After entering a valid PINnumoer.the "V-chip"screen will appearPress the • button threetimes and highlight"Change pin"eha_ge pin•While me "Change pin"field is selected, press theI_ button. The Change pinscreen w appear.Choose any 4-digits foryour PIN and enter mem.FunctionChange p£nEnter new pin : ....tonfi_ new pinConfirm new pin : ....As soon as the 4 digits are entered, the "Confirm new pin"screen appears. Re-enter the same 4 digits. When the Confirmscreen disaooears, your PIN has been memorized.Press the MENU button three times to exit.-,_ Note: If you forget the PIN,press the remote-control keys m thefollowing sequence, which resets thepin to 0-0-0-0:POWER OFF "+ MUTE "+ 1 "+ 82 "+ POWER ON.53