한국어 - 0측면 막대 모드1 스니펫에 포커스를 맞추고 ENTERE 버튼을 눌러 TV Widget 측면 막대를 시작합니다. TV Widget 로고와 홈 이 측면 막대 상단에 있습니다.2 현재 메뉴는 TV Widget 로고 아래에 표시됩니다.이전 화면으로 돌아가려면 이 화면을 선택한 후 ENTERE버튼을 누르세요.리모컨의 RETURN 버튼을 누를 수도 있습니다.3 현재 선택한 항목이 항상 청색으로 강조되어 표시되며 ENTERE버튼을 누르면 활성화됩니다.4 데이터가 많으면 페이지 컨트롤이 사용됩니다.현재 페이지와 총 페이지 수가 표시됩니다.◀ 또는 ▶ 버튼을 눌러 각 페이지를 이동할 수 있습니다.5 하단 도구 모음에는 리모컨의 적색, 녹색, 황색, 청색 버튼과 일치하는 컬러버튼이 있습니다.적색 버튼: 위젯을 닫습니다.녹색 버튼: 위젯 설정을 변경합니다.황색 버튼: 스니펫을 관리합니다.청색 버튼: 동영상 크기를 맞추거나 전체 화면으로 표시합니다.위젯에 따라 사용할 수 없는 버튼도 있습니다.■NNNNNMy StocksTo remove a stocks symbol, pleaseselect it from the list below.Display Format ValueAbout Yahoo! Finance...FINANCE PAGE OF ^DJI^IXICYHOOAAPLINTCAMZNAdd New Symbol...Import Symbols From Yahoo!...12345All content and services accessible through this device belong to third parties and are protected by copyright,patent, trademark and/or other intellectual property laws. Such content and services are provided solely foryour personal noncommercial use. You may not use any content or services in a manner that has not beenauthorized by the content owner or service provider. Without limiting the foregoing, unless expressly authorizedby the applicable content owner or service provider, you may not modify, copy, republish, upload, post,transmit, translate, sell, create derivative works, exploit, or distribute in any manner or medium any content orservices displayed through this device.YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT USE OF THE DEVICE IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THATTHE ENTIRE RISK AS TO SATISFACTORY QUALITY, PERFORMANCE AND ACCURACY IS WITH YOU. THE DEVICEAND ALL THIRD PARTY CONTENT AND SERVICES ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. SAMSUNG EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITHRESPECT TO THE DEVICE AND ANY CONTENT AND SERVICES, EITHER EXPRESS OR, IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE, OF ACCURACY, OF QUIET ENJOYMENT, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS.SAMSUNG DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY, VALIDITY, TIMELINESS, LEGALITY, OR COMPLETENESS OFANY CONTENT OR SERVICE MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH THIS DEVICE AND DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THEDEVICE, CONTENT OR SERVICES WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, OR THAT OPERATION OF THE DEVICE ORSERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE,SHALL SAMSUNG BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ATTORNEY FEES, EXPENSES, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES ARISINGOUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH, ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN, OR AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF THEDEVICE, OR ANY CONTENT OR SERVICE ACCESSED BY YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Third party services may be changed, suspended, removed, terminated or interrupted, or access may bedisabled at any time, without notice, and Samsung makes no representation or warranty that any content orservice will remain available for any period of time. Content and services are transmitted by third parties bymeans of networks and transmission facilities over which Samsung has no control. Without limiting the generalityof this disclaimer, Samsung expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for any change, interruption,disabling, removal of or suspension of any content or service made available through this device. Samsungmay impose limits on the use of or access to certain services or content, in any case and without notice orliability.Samsung is neither responsible nor liable for customer service related to the content and services. Anyquestion or request for service relating to the content or services should be made directly to the respectivecontent and service providers.