4-34. Troubleshooting4-1-1. No PowerN Refer to the next page to check the location such a CN201 or IC201 SVC Manual mentioned.SymptomThe LEDs on The front panel do not work when connecting The power cord.-The SMPS relay does not work when connecting The power cord.-The units appears to be dead.-MajorcheckpointsThe IP relay or the LEDs on the front panel does not work when connecting the power cord if the cables areimproperly connected or the Main Board or SMPS is not functioning. In this case, check the following:Check the internal cable connection status inside the unit.-Check the fuses of each part.-Check the output voltage of SMPS.-Replace the Main Board.-DiagnosticsMAIN BOARDSMPS BOARDT-CONPower indicator LED is on?YesPlease, Contact tech support.Check ‘Power IC output of Main Ass'y’ ?L202 : B3.3V / L203 : B1.2VL204 : B1.1V / L201 : B1.5VIC203 : 3.3V / IC208 : 3.3VYesCheck Power of ‘T-con b’d’ ?- L9(T-CON) : VCC12- TP_VCC33 : VCC33YesCheck Input power of ‘T-con b’d’ ?- F11(T-CON) : B13VYesCheck a connetion power code.Change the Main Ass'y.Change the T-con B’d.Reconnect or Change.the LVDS cable.Change 20p cable.Change Main Power Ass'y.Check the backlight on,when 20p cable unconnected ?YesCheck ‘Stand-By 5V’ ?- BD203 : A5VYesCheck ‘Power input of Main Ass'y’ ?- BD206 : B18VS- BD207/208/209 : B13V- BD201 : B5VYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoCaution Make sure to disconnect the power before working on the IP board.