Using the e-ManualLaunching the e-ManualMENU > Support > e-ManualThe embedded e-manual contains information about your TV's key features." Alternatively, you can download a copy of the e-manual from Samsung's website, and read it on yourcomputer or print it out." Words in yellow (e.g., Picture Mode) indicate a menu item and bold words in white (e.g., Smart Hub)indicate remote control buttons." Arrows are used to indicate the menu path. (Example: MENU > Picture > Picture Mode)1. Press the E-MANUAL button on the remote. You can also select Support > e-Manual in the TV'smenu.2. Select a category from the left side of the screen. Once a selection has been made, the contentsof the selected category appears on the right side of the screen.3. Select an item from the list. This opens the e-manual on the corresponding page.If a description doesn't fit on a single screen...● Position the focus on the page to display / on the screen. Press the < or > buttons toscroll the page up and down.Additional e-Manual FeaturesLoading Pages using KeywordsSelect Search to bring up the search screen. Enter a search term, and then select Done. Select an itemfrom the search results to load the corresponding page.Loading Pages from the Index PageSelect Index to bring up the index screen. Select a topic from the list to navigate to the relevant page.