Extended functions 37Using GPSThe GPS signal reception status can be checked with colorsin the shooting mode.GPS signal reception is normal.GPS signal reception is impossible.GPS signal reception is impossible and is in thevalid time.GPS is turned off.Geotags are recorded when taking pictures by using thet Continuousor AEB shooting method.If the valid time elapses when taking pictures with thet Continuousor AEB shooting method, geotags are not recorded for the picturestaken after the valid time elapses.When taking pictures with thet Motion Capture shooting method,geotags are not recorded.Take pictures in an open outside space for good GPS signaltreception.GPS signal reception may take longer depending on the GPS satellitetcondition.GPS signal reception may take longer depending on the surroundingtconditions (between buildings, low lying area, areas with manyreflectors, e.g. mirrors) and the weather conditions.An error may occur with geotagging depending on the conditions fortchecking the location.Geotagging (city name) may be displayed differently due to zoningtchanges.The time for recorded geotags is not stored.tGeotagging is not recorded int Movie mode.If there is no GPS data containing reception areas in the camera,t“Map unavailable.” is displayed.When taking pictures with recorded geotags, Korean and English aretsupported to display location names, but only English is supportedin Playback mode.GPS location names may differ depending on the areas for use, andtare displayed only in the units of city/suburb.