Communication 35› Send an SOS messageIn case of an emergency, you can ask for help by sendingan SOS message to specified recipients.This feature may be unavailable depending on yourregion or service provider.In Menu mode, select1 Messages → Settings → SOSmessages → Sending options.Press <2 Change> to turn on the SOS messagingfeature.Select3 Recipients to open the recipient list.Enter a recipient number and press the Confirm key.4 Skip to step 7.To select a number saved in your contact list, press<Options> → Contacts to open the contact list andthen continue with the next step.Select contacts and press <5 Add>.Select a phone number (if necessary).6To use a multimedia template to create a new multimediamessage, from the template list, scroll to a template to useand press <Options> → Send. Your template will open asa new multimedia message.› Create a folder to manage messagesLearn to create folders to manage your messagesaccording to your preferences and needs.In Menu mode, select1 Messages → My folders.Press <2 Options> → Create folder.Enter a new folder name and press the Confirm key.3You can now move your important messages fromthe inbox or sentbox to a custom folder for easiermanagement or preventing them from accidentaldeletion.