To View Help on Music StudioUsing Music Studio3130ENG- Music recognition technology and related data are provided by Gracenote and GracenoteCDDB® Music Recognition ServiceSM.- CDDB is a registered trademark of Gracenote. The Gracenote logo and logotype,the Gracenote CDDB logo and logotype, and the "Powered by Gracenote CDDB" logo aretrademarks of Gracenote. Music Recognition Service and MRS are service marks ofGracenote.NNNN oooo tttt eeeeRun Music Studio and press F1.● Help will appear.Move the arrow to the top of Music Studio and right click on the mouse.The following selection window will appear.● Click on Help and the Help window will appear.3 After selecting the tracks to be converted, click with the right mouse button tochoose the file format.● The tracks are converted into the selected format.I Converting Music File Formats1 Double click the Music Studio icon on your PC.2 Insert an audio CD into your CD drive and click the [To CD-ROM Mode]button in the File List Window.- Converted files are saved in the folder C:\My Music.NNNN oooo tttt eeeeYou can convert CD Audio tracks to MP3 or WMA(Windows Media Audio) format by using Music Studio.T7 AME ENG inlay 1/14/05 18:2912:0 Page 30