170LegalDisclaimer of Warranties; Exclusionof LiabilityThe information below explains that a user acceptsthis device as sold, including the hardware andsoftware components as created and packaged forsale. If the user changes these parameters througha unique modification, Samsung will not be heldresponsible for damages or issues that result fromthese end-user changes.Except as set forth in the express warranty containedon the warranty page enclosed with the product, thepurchaser takes the product “as is”, and Samsungmakes no express or implied warranty of any kindwhatsoever with respect to the product, includingbut not limited to the:• merchantability of the product or its fitness forany particular purpose or use;• design, condition or quality of the product;• performance of the product;• workmanship of the product or the componentscontained therein; or• compliance of the product with the requirementsof any law, rule, specification or contractpertaining thereto.Nothing contained in the instruction manual shall beconstrued to create an express or implied warrantyof any kind whatsoever with respect to the product.In addition, Samsung shall not be liable for anydamages of any kind resulting from the purchase oruse of the product or arising from the breach of theexpress warranty, including incidental, special orconsequential damages, or loss of anticipated profitsor benefits.