Software Upgrading InstructionSoftware Upgrading Instruction as Table 6Table 6 Software Upgrading InstructionLocation Part No. Part modelSoftwarefunctionSMT beforeupgradingUpgrading methodN103 5272532006 EN25Q32A-100HIP FLASH YesUpgrade with ALL100, etc.,need write protection, refer toNote1;N105 5272404005 CAT24C04WI-GT3 HDCP KEY YesNB03 5272402003 CAT24C02WI VGA EDID Yes Upgrade with ALL100, etc.Note 1 Write protection setting method: enter into ALL-100 upgrading interface “AUTO”, tick off“Config”, press “config Setting”, set option “Protect” as “All Protect” and “SRWD” as “Enable”,then press “OK” to complete write protection setting;Please make sure option “Config” is ticked off during software upgrading and reset writeprotection after ALL-100 upgrading software is opened each time;Note 2 Upgrading method with ISP upgrading instrument:1) Main board upgrading: connect 4-core line of ISP to Debug port (X603) on main board;The Unit upgrading: connect both VGA ports of ISP and main board, enter into factory menu andset “ISP Mode” as “ON”;2) Use Mstar upgrading instrument (V4.4.2.0 or higher version), enter into menu “Device”, tick off“WP Pin pull to high during ISP” to make sure Flash hardware write protection is removed anderasing process is normal; please refer to Fig.2;Fig. 2 Write protection setting3) Press menu “Connect”, dialog box “Device Type is MX25L64” (device type depending on partsused on board actually) will display to show successful connection; please refer to Fig. 3;