– 5 –POWER FAILURE CIRCUITCheck the following if the unit is turned off by the powerfailure detector.1. Disconnect the AC power cord (120V AC line) for a shorttime.2. Connect a DC Voltmeter to the circuits shown below.3. Press the Power key and check for the proper voltagesupplies.4. If any of these voltages is low, the power failure detec-tor should turn the unit off within three seconds.5. Check all circuits shown below.Note: If power failure is detected 3 times in 15 minutes,the set will enter the standby mode and cannot beswitched On.To reset the operating programs of theSUB-CPU it is necessary to disconnect the AC cordfor a short time.SUB-CPU (IC800) is programmed so the set will go to stand-by mode when there is circuit failure as described below.(Refer to“Block Diagram Power Lines”.)This unit is equipped with a Power Failure Detector functionincluded in the SUB-CPU which checks for an abnormalcondition in the chassis power supplies.If, while the power is on, a failure is caused by any of thefollowing that results in a low voltage supply, the SUB-CPUwill turn the unit off in 1.5 seconds to prevent furtherdamage:• Failure within the power supply circuits.• A short circuit in the load side from the supply.Power Failure: Detected voltage failure for circuit.(Connected to IC800 pin 48 and pin 23.)(Normal: High; Failure: Low)If, while the power is off, the power is switched on and anyof these failures remains uncorrected, the SUB-CPU willshut off the power within three seconds.4818IC800 (SUB-CPU)34,223Power FailPower OnPower Fail21(LVDS)Power BoardInverterMainD1670D1682K8BD1641D1684IC16709VIC16405VIC00112VIC16805VLVDSD16214,2D1620 IC16203.3V