– 6 –MECHANICAL DISASSEMBLYCAUTION: This LCD TV uses several different kinds of screws. Using the correct screw is necessary toprevent damage. Lead wires must be redressed to their previous locations after servicing.1. BACK LID REMOVALRemove 2 screws to take the back Lid off. (A: 3x6)ABack Lid2. STAND REMOVALPosition TV face down on a padded or cushioned surfaceto protect the screen and finish.Remove 4 screws (B: 6X16) to take the stand off.3. MAIN BOARD REMOVALRemove 5 screws (C: 3X14) to take the main board off.4. POWER UNIT REMOVALRemove 6 screws (C: 3X14) to take the power unit off.B BMain BoardPower UnitC CCCCCCC CCC