1. KEEP THE NOTICES 6. PERFORM A SAFETY CHECK AFTERSERVICINGAs for the places which need special attentions,they are indicated with the labels or seals on the Confirm that the screws, parts and wiring whichcabinet, chassis and parts. Make sure to keep the were removed in order to service are put in theindications and notices in the operation manual. original positions, or whether there are theportions which are deteriorated around the2. AVOID AN ELECTRIC SHOCK serviced places serviced or not. Check theinsulation between the antenna terminal orThere is a high voltage part inside. Avoid an external metal and the AC cord plug blades.electric shock while the electric current is And be sure the safety of that.flowing.(INSULATION CHECK PROCEDURE)3. USE THE DESIGNATED PARTS1. Unplug the plug from the AC outlet.The parts in this equipment have the specific 2. Remove the antenna terminal on TV and turncharacters of incombustibility and withstand on the TV.voltage for safety. Therefore, the part which is 3. Insulation resistance between the cord plugreplaced should be used the part which has terminals and the eternal exposure metalthe same character. [Note 2] should be more than 1M ohm byEspecially as to the important parts for safety using the 500V insulation resistance meterwhich is indicated in the circuit diagram or the [Note 1].table of parts as a ! mark, the designated 4. If the insulation resistance is less than 1Mparts must be used. ohm, the inspection repair should berequired.SERVICING NOTICES ON CHECKINGrequired.4. BE CAREFUL WITH THELCD PANEL [Note 1]If you have not the 500V insulationAvoid a shock to the panel while servicing. resistance meter, use a Tester.Take enough care to deal with it.[Note 2]5. PUT PARTS AND WIRES IN THE External exposure metal: Antenna terminalORIGINAL POSITION AFTER Headphone jackASSEMBLING OR WIRINGThere are parts which use the insulationmaterial such as a tube or tape for safety, orwhich are assembled in the condition thatthese do not contact with the printed board.The inside wiring is designed not to get closerto the pyrogenic parts and high voltage parts.Therefore, put these parts in the originalpositions.Please include the following informations when you order parts. (Particularly the VERSION LETTER.)1. MODEL NUMBER and VERSION LETTERThe MODEL NUMBER can be found on the back of each product and the VERSION LETTER can befound at the end of the SERIAL NUMBER.2. PART NO. and DESCRIPTIONYou can find it in your SERVICE MANUAL.When you exchange IC and Transistor with a heat sink, apply silicon grease (YG6260M) on the contactsection of the heat sink. Before applying new silicon grease, remove all the old silicon grease.(Old grease may cause damage to the IC and Transistor).HOW TO ORDER PARTSIMPORTANTA1-2