– 7 –ELECTROSTATICALLY SENSITIVE DEVICESMany solid-state devices (especially IntegratedCircuits) are Electrostatically Sensitive, and, therefore,require special handling techniques as describedunder “Servicing Electrostatically Sensitive Devices,”on page two in this service literature.MAIN BOARD REMOVALRemove 7 screws (A: 3X6) to take the Main Board off.POWER UNIT REMOVALRemove 4 screws (A: 3X6, 4 pcs; H:4x6) to take the powerunit off.POWER UNIT REMOVALRemove 3 screws (A: 3X6) to take the shield plate off.Main BoardAAAAAAAAA120Hz BoardAAAAAShield PlateAAHALCD PanelPower UnitMAIN BOARD REMOVAL1. Take the connectors of below lead wire off.120Hz Board ~ Main Board: K5LVDS120Hz Board ~ LCD Panel: K7PN1, K7PN22. Remove 4 screws (A:3x6) to take the 120Hz board off.