9USING THE FRONT AUDIO/VIDEO INPUT JACKSCONNECTING A VIDEO GAMESwitch off TV and video game before connecting cables.1. Connect game Audio Output to the TV Audio Input. Then connect game Video Out to theTV Video In ❶.2. Press POWER key ❷ to turn on the TV. Turn on external equipment also.3. Press the INPUT key ❸ to select program source: TV signal or signal from the equipmentconnected to the A/V jacks. Press the MENU key ❹ and select Game from the on-screenmenu.POWERVOLUMECHANNELMENUVIDEO IN AUDIO INVIDEO IN AUDIO IN❶VIDEO GAMEINPUTMENUMUTERECALLRESETCHPOWERVOL VOL❸ ❷REMOTE CONTROLTVA/V INPUTJACKSCONNECTING A VCR OR OTHER EXTERNAL EQUIPMENTSwitch off TV and external equipment before connecting cables.1. Connect VCR Audio Out and Video Out ❶ to the TV Audio Input andVideo Input ❷.2. Press POWER to turn on the TV. Turn on external equipment also.3. Press the INPUT key to select program source: TV signalor signal from the equipment you have connected to theA/V jacks. See page 6 for remote control operation.CH3 CH4RFCHANNELINOUTA/V JACKSL- -RAUDIOVIDEOL- -RAUDIOVIDEOPOWERVOLUMEVIDEO IN AUDIO IN❶BACK VIEW OF VCR❷TV A/V INPUT JACKSQuickTips Make sure all cableconnectors are fullyseated on jacks. A solid Blue screenwith the word Gameor Video displayedmeans that theGame / Video mode isselected, but nosignal is beingdetected at theVideo jack.Need help?Visit our Web site atwww.sanyoctv.comor Call 1-800-877-5032❹CAMCORDER