Remote Control Key Functions 13➉ Menu selection and navigation keys—Use thesekeys as follows:Menu key—Press this key to display the on-screenmenu.Cursor ▲ (up) /▼ (down) keys—Press these keys tomove the cursor up and down within the menu.Cursor 3(left) /4(right) keys—Press these keys tomove the cursor left and right within the menu.Exit key—Press this key to exit from the menusystem.Reset Key—Press twice to restore factory settings.The TV will automatically start Channel Search andclear all customized settings. These features will auto-matically reset:• Picture/Sound Adjustments: Color, Tint, Contrast,Brightness, Sharpness, Color Enhancer, Bass,Treble, and Surround Sound• Channel Memory• Initial Channel to OFF• Audio to Stereo• Caption to OFF• V-Guide to OFF• TV Speakers to ON• Digital Audio Output to Dolby Digital• Scan Velocity to HIGH• Picture-And-Picture (PAP) to OFF• Menu Language to English• Auto Clock and Sleep Timer (if previously set)• Video to TV (if previously set)If desired, personal settings can be made again usingthe menu options.Mute Key—Press once to minimize the volume.Press again to restore.Note: When using the audio out jacks this keywill not mute the sound.Audio Key—Press to select the desired audioreception feature options (if available) for...DIGITAL: Main, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, etc.ANALOG: Stereo, Mono, SAP.Info Key—Press to display the Digital and AnalogFull Banner information:Digital Full Banner display–Contains a two-partChannel Number (Major and Minor). If availablethe following is also included–Station ID, ProgramTitle, Current Time & Date, Antenna Signal Strength,Signal Format, Program Rating, and Audio Mode.Analog Full Banner display–Contains ChannelNumber (analog antenna/cable), Current time & Date(if set), Station ID (if available), Program Title (ifavailable) and Audio Mode.Caption Key—Press to select analog or digitalcaption. The Analog Caption modes are: CC1, CC2,Quikcap and OFF. The Digital Caption modes are:Digital CC1~CC6, Quikcap and OFF.Digital Captions can also be customized to changethe text font type, size, style, background and edgecolors. (See page 18.) Note: These feature areoperable only when digital caption service isavailable.Guide Keys—Press the following keys to operateyour satellite receiver once the remote isprogrammed:Page/Guide key—Press to display menu guide.Up/Down key—Press the cursor up/down to movewithin the menu display.VCR/DVD Keys—These keys control VCR or DVDfunctions for Fast Forward (44), Rewind (33), Play(4), Record (REC), Stop (■), Tracking (– / +), andPause.PAP Keys—See page 21 for split-screenPicture-and-Picture.QuickTips■ Be sure batteries areinstalled correctly.■ Point the remotecontrol toward theequipment you wantto operate. Objectsbetween the remotecontrol and the equip-ment may causemisoperation of theremote controlfunction.■ If the remote controldoes not work: PressTV key (see item 1).■ The remote controlmust be programmedbefore it will operateyour VCR, DVDPlayer, SatelliteReceiver, or CableBox.Need help?Visit our Web site atwww.sanyoctv.comor Call 1-800-877-50321314121115161718PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE CONTROL1. Find your VCR, Cable Box, DVD Player, and Satellite Receiver brand codes inthe charts on page 14.2. Press and hold the VCR, CABLE, DVD, SAT (Satellite Receiver) or AUX(Auxiliary) mode key while entering a three-digit code number. Then releasethe mode key.If the code was accepted, the mode key will flash 5 times after it is released. If youentered an invalid code, the mode key will not flash. Check the code number andrepeat Step 2.After entering each code number check the unit’s operation by pressing the Powerand/or Channel keys. If these keys operate your equipment, you have probablyentered the correct code number for that device. If not, follow Step 2 and enteranother code, if available.Perform Steps 1 and 2 for each piece of equipment you have.The VCR, Cable Box, DVD, andSatellite modes will accept only eachmode’s specific code type.The AUX mode will accept all codetypes, but only one code at a time.After you have programmed theremote control and confirmed itsoperation, enter your codes in thespaces provided for easy reference.VCR Code:VCR Code:LIST DEVICE HERELIST DEVICE HEREAUXAUXSatellite Code:Satellite Code:Cable BoxCable BoxCode:Code:DVD PlayerDVD PlayerCode:Code:Virtual ChannelMajor MinorAntenna SignalCurrent Time/DateProgram RatingAudioModeStation IDSignal FormatProgramTitleCurrent Time/DateProgram RatingAudio ModeStation IDProgram TitleChannel No.