5) Adjust items “R-GAIN, G-GAIN, B-GAIN” to set chromatic coordinates of 14th scale as(272, 278);6) Adjust items “R-OFFSET, G-OFFSET, B-OFFSET” to set chromatic coordinates of 4th scaleas (272, 278);7) During adjustment, make sure that chromatic coordinates of bright scale are (X=272±10,Y=278±10) and chromatic coordinates of dark scale are (X=272±10, Y=278±10);8) Move cursor to item “COPY ALL” again to copy data of white balance to other channelsexcept DTV;9) Check if chromatic coordinates of HDMI NORMAL and WARM meet the requirements oferror allowance (dark scale: ±10, bright scale: ±10) or not, otherwise adjust items“R_GAIN/B_GAIN/R_OFF/B_OFF” to meet them and then save the data;10)Switch to other channels (ATV, AV,COMPONENT,D-SUB), check if chromatic coordinatesof COOL, NORMAL and WARM meet the requirements or not, if not, adjust themrespectively in the same way of HDMI and with 16 gray scale signal; exit menu “W/BADJUST” after adjustment, the data will be save automatically;11) DTV adjustment: switch to DTV channel, select 16 gray scale program, enter into factorymenu, do adjustment following above step 5, 6, 7;12) Please refer to the adjusting rules as follows:B Gun: coordinates of X and Y will increase when B gun is adjusted downwards;coordinates of X and Y will decrease when B gun is adjusted upwnwards;R Gun: adjusting R gun will effect coordinate of X, and value of Lv slightly;coordinate of X will increase when R gun is adjusted upwards;coordinate of X will decrease when R gun is adjusted downwards;G Gun: adjusting G gun will effect coordinate of Y, and value of Lv greatly;coordinate of Y will increase when R gun is adjusted upwards;coordinate of Y will decrease when R gun is adjusted downwards;Note: Default color temperature specified by SANYO customer is Normal, adjust chromaticcoordinates of Normal and Cool in Dynamic picture mode; adjust chromatic coordinates of Cool inDynamic picture mode for other customers.4.4 Auto white balance adjustment4.4.1 System block diagram shown as Fig. 2PC