4Table1 sub-menu adjustmentItems Preset IntroduceHOTEL 0 1: HOTEL OPTION of factory menu is optional0: HOTEL OPTION of factory menu is not optionalLOGO 1 1: display LOGO in no signal or turn on0: no LOGO displayADC PRESCALE 00A adjust according the power consumptionSIF PRESCALE 000 adjust according the power consumptionBACK LIGHT 28 Adjust according the screenALL COLOR 1 1: white balance of each channel auto offset based on the HDMI whitebalance0: white balance of each channel adjust the offset base separatelyISP 0 0: no upgrade on line1: upgrade on lineNO STANDY 00 01: turn on 00: memory function of turn on 10: standbyINIT VOLUME 0-100 Volume when turn onINIT CHANNEL 1-200 Channel when turn onINIT SRC Program source Input Source when turn onEEPROM-MEMORAYRECALL> EEPROM Initialization (operate when EEPROM data chaos)3.2 Adjustment for AFT and AGC of IF channel in TV3.2.1 IF AFT adjustmentDisconnect J601(B face), input 80dB 38.9MHz PAL signal to the pole of J601 near the socket,adjust L604 to value 1.65V of TP602, enter the factory menu, set TDA4470 from BG to LL and input80dB 33.9MHz SECAM signal, adjust RP602 to value 1.65V of TP602, then weld J601.3.2.2 IF AGC adjustmentInput 184.25MHz RF signal of 60dB to RF terminal, adjust RP601 to value 4V of TP604, and thereshould be no obvious snowy picture. Increase the input signal to 90dBV and it should be no obviousnoisy.3.3 White balance adjustment3.3.1 HDMI white balance adjustmenta. Input VG-848 signal to HDMI: TIMING854(800*600/60Hz)of PAT920 8 gray scale signal,adjust the balance with CA210.b. Enter COLOR TEMP sub menu and select color temperature of standard (9300K), thevalue of coordinate is recommended.c. Fixed B GAIN, adjust R GAIN, G GAIN to let the color coordinate of the seventh level be(285,293); Fixed BOFF, adjust R OFF, G OFF to let the color coordinate of the second level be(285,293) and the brightness is about 3nit-10nit. Repeat adjust R GAIN, G GAIN, R OFF and G OFF,until the color coordinate of the two level gray scale be (285,293).3.3.2 VGA/YPbPr/ AV white balance check and correcta. Connect VG-848 signal of VGA to VGA terminal and input TIMING854 (800*600/60HZ)(PATTERN: CROSS), and auto adjust to full screen then input PAT948 white and black signal, entersubmenu of ADC ADJ, select AUTOTUNE and wait for OK display. Input PAT920(8 gray levels),