-37-Optical Adjustments1. Insert paper etc. in Red and Blue panel to block thered and blue light so that only green light is projected.2. Press the ZOOM button to “Wide” position (toincrease image size) and press the FOCUS orbutton to make a picture in sharp focus.3. Insert paper etc. in Red and Green panel to block thered and green light so that only blue light is projected.4. Loosen the 4 screws C with the 2.0mm hex driver, seeFig.1c.5. Insert the slot type screwdriver in the slots ➀, ➁,➂and ➃ (Fig.1c) and gently turn the screwdriver untilthe each corner of screen is in sharp focus. The rela-tion of adjustment points and screen corners are indi-cated with ➀, ➁, ➂ and ➃ shown in Fig.1c and Fig.2.6. Tighten the 4 screws C and securely attache the Bluepanel unit.B-FOCUS ADJUSTMENT1. Insert paper etc. in Red and Blue panel to block thered and blue light so that only green light is projected.2. Press the ZOOM button to “Wide” position (toincrease image size) and press the FOCUS orbutton to make a picture in sharp focus.3. Insert paper etc. in Blue and Green panel to block theblue and green light so that only red light is projected.4. Loosen the 4 screws B with the 2.0mm hex driver,see Fig.1b.5. Insert the slot type screwdriver in the slots ➀, ➁,➂and ➃ (Fig.1b) and gently turn the screwdriver untilthe each corner of screen is in sharp focus. The rela-tion of adjustment points and screen corners are indi-cated with ➀, ➁, ➂ and ➃ shown in Fig.1b and Fig.2.6. Tighten the 4 screws B and securely attache the Redpanel unit.R-FOCUS ADJUSTMENT➀ ➁➂ ➃Fig.2The numbers indicate the focuseffective part when moving thenumbered adjusting slots onFig.1.Fig.1b➁➀➃RedLCDPanel➂GreenLCD Panel Fig.1c➀➁➃➂GreenLCD PanelBlueLCDPanelBBBBCCCC