-33-Troubleshooting5V_SW.S6V 15V 5V7 P.F.C.controlP.F.C.Abnormal temperature detection insideof the projector.Abnormal temperature detection onthe Main board.Interlock switchTSW611LAMPCB2CB2K8CC-1K8CC-4CB1LAMP.DETLAMPSW.When an abnormaltemperature is detected atthe periphery of lampdriver circuit, the voltage ofthis line comes HIGH.LAMP BALLAST UNITSwitching powersupplyCheck signal at pin 5of T651Abnormal temperaturedetection at theperiphery of P.F.C.circuitCheck that the thermal switch (TSW611)is operating.If temperature at peraiphery of P.F.C.circuit reaches 95˚C, TSW611 turns on.TSW611 -- OPEN: NormalQ671, Q681IC2641 ~ IC2681Check that the FAN DRIVEsignal at pin 19 of IC1804 iscorrect.H : Power ONIs projection of lamp cover insidebroken or not fitting correctry ?Check the interlock switch (SW904)and lamp cover.SW904 -- OPEN : abnormalIs thermal switch (SW902) operating ?If peripheral temperatures at the lamphouse reaches 100˚C, the thermalswitch turns off.SW902 -- OPEN: abnormal(Power-On: H)(Error: H)FAN_DRIVEFAN CONT1LAMP_BST_SWLAMP_SWLAMP_ERRIC2831PSDAPSDAIC2832TEMP.SENSORTEMP.SENSORTEMP. BOARDIIC BUSSW902SW904