-15-Training Manual Principle of LCD5-2 ColorizationSince an LCD shutter only passes or blocks light, in itself it cannot display a color picture. The color pic-ture is made by mixing the three colors of RGB (three primary colors of light) respectively, like the CRTcolor television. The color LCD panel has a color filter of RGB attached to the monochrome panel. SeeFig. 13. In this color LCD panel, by controlling the voltages and the waveforms that are supplied at eachRGB pixel, the transparent ratio is controlled and hue and brightness are adjusted. Therefore, smallerpixels and more numbers of pixels are required for the color LCD Display. For example, although theSXGA panel described before has about 1,300,000 pixels, in colorization, there are about 4 million dots(sub-pixels).System of LCD DisplayFig. 13 Colorization of LCD DisplayR G BLCD ShutterColor FilterBacklightWhiteColorLCD ShutterBacklightWhiteMonochromeColor Panel Monochrome Panel