– 14 –3-6. Adjust Specifications[CP1 board (Side B)]Note:1. Frequency adjustment is necessary to repair in the CP1board and replace the parts.2. Power voltage sets about +3.0 V.Preparation:1. Remove the cabinet back and holder monitor. You can seeVR501 and CL518 in the CP1 board.Note: LCD flexible flat cable and backlight lead wire keepconnecting. When assembling, holder monitor andmetal part of LCD panel should not contact a sub-strate or solder the lead wire at CL518, and screw theholder monitor.2. Insert the SD card.3. Turn on the power switch, and set the camera mode.1. IC501 Oscillation Frequency AdjustmentAdjustment method:1. Adjust with VR501 to 502.5 ± 1 kHz.2. Lens AdjustmentPreparation:POWER switch: ONAdjustment condition:More than A3 size siemens star chartFluorescent light illumination with no flickerIllumination above the subject should be 400 lux ± 10 %.Adjustment method:1. Set the siemens star chart 100 cm ± 3 cm so that it be-comes center of the screen.2. Double-click on the DscCalDi.exe.3. Click the Focus, and click the Yes.4. Lens adjustment value will appear on the screen.5. Click the OK.Adjustment value determination is effectuated using the "STDAFPOS", "FOCUS" and “ZOOM” values.If FOCUS=focus1, focus2, focus3, focus4, focus5 and the ad-justment values fulfill the conditions below, they are determinedas within specifications.Adjustment value determination960<=STD_AFPOS<=1050-30<=focus1<=+40-40-50<=focus3<=+80-70<=focus4<=+100-100<=focus5<=+1200<=zoom<=130Measuring PointADJ. LocationMeasuring EquipmentADJ. ValueCL518Frequency counterVR501502.5 ± 1 kHzCL404 GNDCL518VR501CameraSiemensstar chartDscCalDi xOKFocus ResultSTD_AFPOS=1005FOCUS=1,9,24,30,20ZOOM=77!