Camera Settings 39The Setup MenuEnglishDate and TimeThe Date and Time setting allows you to set oradjust the date and time on your camera. To set oradjust the date and time:• Press the Left/Right navigation buttons toselect the Year field.• Press the Up/Down navigation buttons toadjust the Year value.• In the same way, select the Month, Date,Hour and Minute fields and adjust themaccordingly.LanguageThe Language setting allows you to choose whichlanguage the OSD menu uses. Scroll down the listand select your language.Use the Up/Down navi-gation buttons to select from the menu options.Image StorageThe Image Storage setting allows you to specifywhere photos and video clips will be stored. Thecamera features 10.5 MB internal memory but youcan also insert an SD/MMC card (See “Inserting anSD/MMC Memory Card” on page 14 for moredetails). Two options are available:• Auto (default): When selected, the camerachooses the storage medium automatically. Ifan SD/MMC card is inserted in the camera, allphotos and videos are stored on the card. If an external card is not detected, allphotos and videos are stored in the internal memory.• Internal Memory: All photos and videos are stored in the internal memory.D AT E & T I M E( Ye a r )P r e s s O K w h e n d o n e2 0 0 8 / 0 1 / 0 1 1 2 : 3 0L A N G U A G EE N G L I S HD E U T S C HF R A N C A I SI TA L I A N OE S PA N O LI M A G E S T O R A G EA U T OI N T E R N A L M E M O RY