English iiFOR CANADIAN USERSi This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.FOR EU USERSThe symbol mark and recycling systems described below apply to EUcountries and do not apply to countries in other areas of the world.Your SANYO product is designed and manufactured with high qualitymaterials and components which can be recycled and/or reused.The symbol mark means that electrical and electronic equipment, batteriesand accumulators, at their end-of-life, should be disposed of separately fromyour household waste.Note:If a chemical symbol is printed beneath the symbol mark, this chemicalsymbol means that the battery or accumulator contains a heavy metal at acertain concentration. This will be indicated as follows: Hg: mercury, Cd:cadmium, Pb: leadIn the European Union there are separate collection systems for usedelectrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators.Please, dispose of them correctly at your local community waste collection/recycling centre.Please, help us to conserve the environment we live in!FOR RUSSIAN USERSThis product is certified by an official certification companywhich is authorized by the Russian Federation.SANYO FISHER Sales (Europe) GmbHStahlgruberring 4, D-81829 München, GermanySANYO Electric Co., Ltd.1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito City, Osaka 574-8534, Japan