Vocal FX button/sectionPlay Acoustic – Reference manual (2014-07-16) 40Harmony Advanced pageTo enter the Harmony Advanced page, press andhold any of the lit Blue Led soft buttons. To exitthe Advanced page, press the BACK button.Scale parameterIf the Key is set manually (not auto), the ad-vanced menu will allow you set the scale associ-ated with the Key.Choose one of the following settings:► Major 1► Major 2► Major 3► Minor 1► Minor 2► Minor 3For more information, see “TC-Helicon scalesreference chart”. You can also find this chart onthe TC-Helicon website:support.tc-helicon.com/entries/21051886-scale-chart-for-TC-helicon-products/Portamento parameterUse the Portamento parameter to control theamount of “slide” between notes as you sing.The more Portamento you use, the more theHarmony voices will slide, instead of jump, fromnote to note.► The 0 setting turns Portamento off.► 100 is the maximum setting.Using high amounts of both Humanize and Por-tamento can make your harmony voices soundas if they’ve… well… been drinking… a lot. Smallamounts are usually preferable.Humanize parameterUse the Humanize parameter to “humanize” theHarmony voices by imparting some timing andpitch variances to the voice.At its core, this is actually the process of makingthe harmony voices less accurate – but imper-fection is something that can make voices soundmore “real”.► The 0 setting turns humanization off.► 100 is the maximum setting.