Page 20describes version 7.0. To determine your current Roku TV software version, go to Settings >System > About after you complete Guided Setup.You can download an updated User Guide that matches your Roku TV software version fromthe TCL web site at: the TV restarts, it displays the Activation screen:Note: A paid subscription or other payments may be required for some channels. Channelavailability is subject to change and varies by country. Not all content is available incountries or regions where Roku products are sold.10. Using a compatible computer, tablet, orsmartphone with an Internet connection, go tothe web address displayed on the screen andenter the code that appears on your screen.After you log in or create your Roku account,the link page suggests that you select somestreaming channels. After you confirm yourselections, the TV gets an acknowledgement,and then adds your preexisting and newly-‐selected streaming channels to your Roku TV.This process is automatic and takes a fewmoments—a little longer if you already have alot of streaming channels to add.Tip: Streaming channels from all Rokudevices associated with your account areWhy do I need a Roku Account?You need a Roku Channel Store account for severalreaons.• It links you, your Roku TV and your other Rokudevices to the Roku Channel Store and billingservice.• Streaming content providers know that it’s OK tosend content you request to your Roku TV.• Roku can automatically send updates to your device.Important: It doesn’t cost anything to use andmaintain your Roku Channel Store account (other thanthe cost of the TV and Internet access). Your Roku TV ispacked with hundreds of free channels. Adding apayment method now lets you easily rent or buymovies on demand, or try popular subscription ortransaction-‐based streaming channels.