18Menu OperationLISURJUDPVWKDWWKH9&KLSUHFRJQL]HVDVXQUDWHGRUH[HPSWFDQEHYLHZHG8QUDWHG79SURJUDPVmay include news, sports, political, religious, localand weather programs, emergency bulletins, publicannouncements, and programs without ratings. TheExempt option applies to both US and Canadianunrated programs and Canadian programs rated E.1. Select Parental Control > V-Chip > Unrated/Exempt Ratings, press OKŹ to enter the nextscreen.3UHVVŻŹWRWRJJOHEHWZHHQView and Block.View All unrated programs are available.Block All unrated programs are not available.Reset Downloadable Data1. Select Parental Control > V-Chip > ResetDownloadable Data, press OKŹWRUHVHWWKHGRZQORDGDEOH9&KLSGDWD$FRQ¿UPDWLRQER[RSHQV3UHVVŻŹWRVHOHFW3. Press OK to reset the downloadable rating data, ifpresent.Input Block1. Select Parental Control > Input Block, pressOKŹ to display the Input source list screen.3UHVVŸźWRSODFHDFKHFNPDUNLQWKHER[WREORFNWKHLQSXW:KHQ\RXWXQHWRWKDWLQSXW\RXwill need to enter a password to view the channel.3. Press OKWRFRQ¿UP\RXUVHOHFWLRQ$ORFNHG XQORFNHGLFRQDSSHDUVQH[WWRWKHVHOHFWHGLQSXWLanguage MenuTo select the preferred language for all menus, followthe steps below. You can choose between English,Espanol, or Francais.1. Select Language, press OKŹ to display theLanguage Screen. (Refer to Figure 8.)2. Press Ÿź to select the preferred language for themenu.3. Press ŻŹ to select On or Off.4. Press the MENU or CLEAR button to exit the menu.USB MenuXVHD86%ÀDVKGULYHonly suppport FAT format andunpartitioned USB device . This connection allows\RXWRLQVHUWD86%ÀDVKGULYHGLUHFWO\RUFRQQHFWDcompatible mass storage device with USB, such asa digital camera, a multi-format card reader, or anMP3 player. If you have a USB drive, plug it into thedrive directly. If you have a device with a USB port,connect one end of the USB cable to the USB portDQGWKHRWKHUHQGWRWKH86%MDFNRQWKHVLGHRIWKH797KH86%IHDWXUHRQ\RXU79DOORZV\RXWRSOD\DXGLR¿OHV IRUPDWVXSSRUWHG03 RUGLVSOD\SLFWXUHV IRUPDWsupported: JPEG). To utilize this feature, follow thesesteps:1. Press MENU on the remote control (the Main Menuappears).2. Use Ÿź to select USB.3. Press OKŹ to proceed to the USB Screen.Or, you can press the MEDIA button on the remotecontrol to display the USBVFUHHQGLUHFWO\\RXFDQalso press the INPUT button to display the input listand select USB.(Note: if no USB device is inserted, “No Media”displays on the screen, only suppport FAT formatand unpartitioned USB device)Media Brower: select Media Brower, press OKto enter, then press ŸźWRVHOHFWD¿OHRU¿OHfolder, press OK and use the following menus:Open - 6HOHFWWRGLVSOD\WKHIROGHU¿OHOLVWLQWKHUSB device.Thumbnail - Select to display the thumbnail ofWKHIROGHUV¿OHVRQO\DYDLODEOHIRUSKRWRIROGHUV¿OHVSlideshow - Select to to start photo slideshow.7KHPHQXOLQHLVJUD\HGRXWLIWKHUHLVQRSKRWR¿OHin the root of the current USB device.Play Music - 6HOHFWWRSOD\EDFNWKHPXVLF7KHPHQXOLQHLVJUD\HGRXWLIWKHUHLVQRPXVLF¿OHLQWKHURRWRIWKHFXUUHQW8GLVNReturn - Select to return to the previous menu.Media Settings: select Media Settings, pressOK to enter, then use the following menus:Photo Settings - Select to display PhotoSettings submenu.Slideshow Interval - Select the SlideshowInterval: 5 Seconds, 10 Seconds, 20Seconds.Slideshow Effect - Select the SlideshowEffect.Slideshow Repeat - Select the options: Off/On.Thumbnail Size- Select to display thethumbnail size: 5X3 and 3X2.Music Settings: select to display Music Settingssubmenu.Music Play Mode - Select the options: Once,Play All, Random.Music Play Repeat - Select the options: Off/On.Music Auto Play - Select the options: Off/On.4. Press MENUWRJREDFNWRWKHSUHYLRXVPHQXRUSUHVVCLEAR to exit.