6 TAIE Protocol10 FY400/600/700/800/900 COMMUNICATION MANUAL6 TAIE Protocol6.1 Message ConfigurationMaster Î Slave (7 Bytes):Command1 ByteID Number1 ByteRegisterAddress2 ByteData2 ByteCheck Sum1 ByteMaster Í Slave (8 Bytes)Header(07H)1 ByteCommand(4DH)1 ByteID Number1 ByteRegisterAddress2 ByteData2 ByteCheck Sum1 Byte6.2 CommandCommand ContentsR (52H) Reading 1 register value from slave controllerM (4DH) Modify 1 register value in RAM.(Data are not maintained after power off)W (57H) Write 1 register value in both RAM and EEPROM.(Data are maintained after power off)6.3 ID NumberRange: 1~255.Master instrument identifies slave controllers by the ID Number of the requestedmessage. ID Number should be configuring in individual slave controller by settingparameter “IDNO” in operation LEVEL 3.6.4 Register AddressRegister Address is including register address High byte and Low byte.Totally, there are 2 bytes.For detail, please check with Register Map(Page:12)6.5 DataData is including setting data High byte and Low byte.Totally, there are 2 bytes.