D - 8 Replacing key mechanical and ancillary devices 09/01 IPN: M5000-00-102Replacing key mechanicaland ancillary devicesThis section describes the replacement of keymechanical and ancillary devices associatedwith the main PCB. These include: lens (Orca 5020, Orca 5035 and Orca5040); PTT keypad; speaker; LCD display (Orca 5020, Orca 5035 andOrca 5040); shield, complete with user interface PCBassembly and polyester dome; antenna connector; channel selector switch; volume control switch; microphone; speaker contacts; battery contacts; and PTT tact switch.Note that instructions for replacing the RF outassembly and the auxiliary flexible PCB areincluded as part of the reassembly instructions.Refer to Figures D-8 and D-9 for the placementof parts. Once the required devices have beenreplaced, refer to the reassembly instructionson pages D-13 to D-15.Replacing the lens (Orca 5020,Orca 5035 and Orca 5040)You must disassemble the radio before gentlyprising the lens away from the front panel ofthe radio. Remove any adhesive remaining onthe front panel.Peel the paper from the back of the new lens,and place the lens in position on the frontpanel.Press firmly into position, then remove thepiece of clear plastic from the front of the lens.Figure D-6: Replacing the lensReplacing the PTT keypadFollowing the disassembly instructions,remove the front panel from the chassis.To remove the PTT retaining plate, from theinside of the front panel, gently push thecentral latch that holds the retaining plate inplace. Be careful not to lose the two pins thatact as actuators for the function keys.To replace the PTT retaining plate, insert thebottom tab into the hole at the bottom of thePTT recess. Bend the PTT retaining plate verylensfront panelgently prise the lens away from the front panel123