42 Tait Software Licence Agreementenhancements, new versions and newreleases of the software provided by Tait; and(iii) may contain one or more items ofsoftware owned by a third-party supplier.The term "Software" does not include anythird-party software provided under separatelicense or not licensable under the terms ofthis Agreement.“Source Code” means software expressedin human readable language necessary forunderstanding, maintaining, modifying,correcting, and enhancing any softwarereferred to in this Agreement and includes allstates of that software prior to itscompilation into an executable programme.“Tait” means Tait Limited and includes itsAffiliates.SECTION 2 SCOPEThis Agreement contains the terms andconditions of the license Tait is providing toLicensee, and of Licensee’s use of theSoftware and Documentation. Tait andLicensee enter into this Agreement inconnection with Tait delivery of certainproprietary Software and/or productscontaining embedded or pre-loadedproprietary Software.SECTION 3 GRANT OF LICENSE3.1. Subject to the provisions of thisAgreement and the payment of applicablelicense fees, Tait grants to Licensee apersonal, limited, non-transferable (except aspermitted in Section 7), and non-exclusivelicense to use the Software in executablecode form, and the Documentation, solely inconnection with Licensee's use of theDesignated Products for the useful life of theDesignated Products. This Agreement doesnot grant any rights to source code.3.2. If the Software licensed under thisAgreement contains or is derived from OpenSource Software, the terms and conditionsgoverning the use of such Open SourceSoftware are in the Open Source SoftwareLicenses of the copyright owner and not inthis Agreement. If there is a conflict betweenthe terms and conditions of this Agreementand the terms and conditions of the anyapplicable Open Source Software Licenses,the terms and conditions of the Open SourceSoftware Licenses will take precedence. Forinformation about Open SourceComponents contained in Tait products andthe related Open Source licenses, see:http://support.taitradio.com/go/opensourceS ECTION 4 LIMITATIONS ON USE4.1. Licensee may use the Software only forLicensee's internal business purposes andonly in accordance with the Documentation.Any other use of the Software is strictlyprohibited. Without limiting the generalnature of these restrictions, Licensee will notmake the Software available for use by thirdparties on a "time sharing," "applicationservice provider," "service bureau" basis, orfor any other similar commercial rental orsharing arrangement.4.2. Licensee will not, and will not directly orindirectly allow or enable any third party to:(i) reverse engineer, disassemble, extractcomponents, decompile, reprogram, orotherwise reduce the Software or anyportion thereof to a human perceptible formor otherwise attempt to recreate the sourcecode; (ii) modify, adapt, create derivativeworks of, or merge the Software; (iii) copy,reproduce, distribute, lend, or lease theSoftware or Documentation to any thirdparty; (iv) grant any sublicense or other rightsin the Software or Documentation to anythird party; (v) take any action that wouldcause the Software or Documentation to beplaced in the public domain; (vi) remove, orin any way alter or obscure any copyrightnotice or other notice of Tait or third-partylicensor’s proprietary rights; (vii) provide,copy, transmit, disclose, divulge or make theSoftware or Documentation available to, orpermit the use of the Software by, any thirdparty or on any machine except as expresslyauthorized by this Agreement; or (viii) use, orpermit the use of, the Software in a mannerthat would result in the production of a copyof the Software by any means whatsoeverother than what is permitted in thisAgreement. Licensee may make one copy ofthe Software to be used solely for archival,back-up, or disaster recovery purposes;provided that Licensee may not operate thatcopy of the Software at the same time as theoriginal Software is being operated. Licenseemay make as many copies of theDocumentation as it may reasonably requirefor the internal use of the Software.