© Tait Limited November 2012www.taitradio.com402-00004-03TMAA02-02 DTMF MicrophoneInstallation InstructionsIntroductionThe TMAA02-02 DTMF microphone plugs into themicrophone socket on the radio control head, andenables users to make calls to a PABX or PSTN.The microphone button operates a hookswitch,which is closed when the microphone is connected tothe microphone clip and open when the microphoneis removed from the microphone clip. The functionof the hookswitch is determined by theradio programming.The TMAA02-02 DTMF microphone is not suit-able for use with PTT signalling. An example ofPTT signalling is leading ANI.Operation1 To make a call, enter the required number using the DTMF keypad. The DTMF micro-phone generates audible DTMF tones as the microphone keys are pressed.2 Press the PTT key and speak clearly into the microphone.3 Release the PTT key when you have finished speaking.InstallationInstalling the MicrophoneNotice The DTMF microphone grommet must be installed whenever the microphoneis plugged into the microphone socket. When installed, the grommet has two functions:■ to prevent damage to the microphone socket when there is movement of themicrophone cord, and■ to ensure that the control head is sealed against water, dust and other environmentalhazards.1 Plug the DTMF microphone cord into the microphone socket on the radio control head.2 Slide the microphone grommet along the microphone cord and push two adjacent cor-ners of the grommet into the microphone socket cavity.3 Squeeze the grommet and push the remaining corners into position.4 Check that the grommet is seated correctly in the cavity.PTT keygrommetmicrophone buttonnot shown(to rear ofmicrophone)