11Separate Monitor and Cue MixUsing Stereo Effects with the M-2600MK II Series ConsolesThe M-2600 MK II Series consoles provide four mono and two stereo effects sends. Theseconsoles provide six stereo effects returns. The two stereo sends are identified as AUX 1-2 and AUX 3-4. These are the same two AUX sends that function as CUE sends duringthe recording process.As AUX 1-2 and AUX 3-4 are normally summed, you will want to press the SPLIT 3-4switch in the Aux Master Section of the console when using these as stereo effect sends.This will enable you to use two discreet stereo effects processors with the M-2600 MK II.Make Your Connections as Follows:1) Connect AUX 1/L and 2/R to the left and right processor inputs2) Connect the processor left and right outputs to the EFFECT RETURN 1* left andright3) Set the WET/DRY balance on the signal processor to WET* While the processor outputs can be connected to any of the six stereo returns, it isadvisable to align the sends and returns numerically. This will assist you in rememberingthe function of each particular effects "loop". As you add more connections to the console,you would be well advised to make written note of these various connections.