6WTRS7007ABOUT THIS MANUALPlease carefully read the entire manual before installation and first use. The manual will help you toquickly set up the system and explains how to safely use it. Make sure that all persons exercising withthe equipment (especially children and persons with physical, sensory, mental or motor disabilities)are informed about this manual and its contents in advance. In case of doubt, responsible personsmust supervise the use of the equipment.Due to ongoing changes and software optimisations, the manual may have to be updated. Ifyou notice any discrepancies during assembly or use, please refer to the manual uploaded to thewebshop. The latest manual is always available there.This equipment has been manufactured according to the latest safety knowledge.As far as possible, potential safety hazards which could cause injury have beeneliminated. Make sure to carefully follow the instructions and that all parts aresecurely in place. If required, read through the instructions again to correct anymistakes.Training devices must be classified according to accuracy and use. Accuracy classes are onlyapplicable to devices that display training data.Accuracy classesClass A: high accuracy.Class B: medium accuracy.Class C: low accuracy.The use classes explain the intended use of the training device.Use classesClass S (studio): professional and/or commercial use.These training devices are intended for the use in training rooms of facilities such as sports clubs,school facilities, hotels, clubs and studios whose access and supervision is specifically regulated bythe owner (person with legal responsibility).Class H (home use): use at home.These stationary training devices are intended for the use in private homes where access to thetraining device is regulated by the owner (person with legal responsibility).