OSD MenuDelete:Move:S kip :Select the channel to delete and press theChoose “Yes” to confirm the deletion, or “No” to cancel.RED button. A confirmation message will pop up.Select the channel to be moved and press the BLUE button. Use the CH+/- buttons tochange the channel position. Press the BLUE button again to confirm the change. Pressthe MENU button to save and exit.Select a channel and press the GREEN button to mark the channel. As long as the channel hasa skip label, it will be skipped when you search through the channels with the CH+/- buttons.17Favorite Manager)LUVWSUHVVźŸEXWWRQWRKLJKOLJKWDGHVLUHGFKDQQHO3UHVVWKH5HGEXWWRQWRVHWLWWRWKH)DYRXULWHJURXS3UHVVWKH*UHHQEXWWRQWRVHWLWWRWKH)DYRXULWHJURXS3UHVVWKH3UHVVWKH%OXHEXWWRQWRVHWLWWRWKH)DYRXULWHJURXSSignal Information'LVSOD\VWKHVLJQDOLQIRUPDWLRQLQ'79PRGH