Service and Repair Manual May 2022Primary Boom Components30 Z ®-45/25 DC Part No. 1268530GT6 Remove the external snap rings from theextension cylinder rod-end pivot pin at theplatform end of the extension tube. Use a softmetal drift to remove the pin.7 Support and slide the extension cylinder outof the base end of the extension tube. Placethe extension cylinder on blocks for support.Crushing hazard. Theextension cylinder couldbecome unbalanced and fallwhen removed from primaryboom extension tube if notproperly supported.Note: During removal, the lifting strap will need tobe adjusted for proper balancing.4-3Primary Boom Lift CylinderThe primary boom lift cylinder raises and lowersthe primary boom. The primary boom lift cylinder isequipped with a counterbalance valve to preventmovement in the event of a hydraulic line failure.How to Remove the PrimaryBoom Lift CylinderBodily injury hazard. Thisprocedure requires specific repairskills, lifting equipment and asuitable workshop. Attemptingthis procedure without theseskills and tools could result indeath or serious injury andsignificant component damage.Dealer service is stronglyrecommended.Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or hoseend must be replaced. All connections must betorqued to specification during installation. Refer toSpecifications, Hydraulic Hose and Fitting TorqueSpecifications.1 Raise the primary boom to a horizontalposition.2 Raise the secondary boom until the primaryboom lift cylinder barrel-end pivot pin is abovethe turntable covers.3 Attach a 5 ton / 5000 kg capacity suitablelifting device to the primary boom for support.4 Raise the primary boom with a suitable liftingdevice slightly to take the pressure off theprimary boom lift cylinder pivot pins.5 Support the rod end and the barrel end of theprimary boom lift cylinder with a secondoverhead lifting device.