PAGE 3 OF 9 1123 IH-112171-800-295-5510uline.comASSEMBLY CONTINUEDBOTTOM SHELF ASSEMBLYNOTE: Bottom shelf is a two-piece design. Oneend has a channel to rest shelf on top of theleg brace on the outside legs. The other endis flat and will bolt to the center leg's brace.1. Place the end of each shelf piece (7) with thechannel across the leg brace of the outside legs.Have two people hold up the end of the shelves thatface the center leg (1). Align the holes on the side ofthe shelf pieces to the holes in the center leg brace.Fasten shelf pieces to center leg brace with threeM8 x 65 hex bolts and three M8 nuts using a13 mm wrench. (See Figures 4-5)Figure 4Figure 52. Fasten end ofeach shelf pieceto the leg braceof the outside legswith six M8 x 35hex bolts and sixM8 nuts per shelfusing a 13 mmwrench.(See Figure 6)TOP ASSEMBLY1. To attach tabletop onto frame assembly, placetabletop on a smooth, non-marring surface withtop side facing down.2. Rotate assembled frame upside down andalign with pre-drilled holes in tabletop. Using#28 blunt-end wood screws and drill withflathead drill bit, attach frame to undersideof tabletop. (See Figure 7)ONLY USE BLUNT-END WOOD SCREWSPACKAGED WITH TABLETOP.NOTE: If holes in frame assembly andpre-drilled holes in tabletop do not align,loosen frame support bars and align holes.Insert screws into pre-drilled holesand re-tighten frame support bars.Figure 7TabletopWoodScrewWoodScrew3. Carefully set table upright and check all screwsfor tightness.Figure 6