PAGE 4 OF 18 1022 IH-917910. Connect the power for the control box (5) usingthe power cord (8). Connect the programmablehandset (6) and lifting column cables into thecontrol box. (See Figure 8)11. Position loose cords underneath the cablemanagement trays (7). Attach the cablemanagement trays to the adjustable frame usingeight M6 x 15 mm machine screws (10). Tightenusing 4 mm hex wrench. (See Figure 9)12. Align holes on modesty panel brackets (14) with holeson outer edge of metal modesty panel (13). Attachusing two M6 x 12 mm machine screws (12) per bracket.Tighten using 4 mm hex wrench. (See Figure 10)13. Position metal modesty panel (13) centeredbetween frame on back of desktop. Attach modestypanel brackets (14) using two 5 x 20 mm woodscrews (11) per bracket. (See Figure 11)14. Desk is now fully assembled. Using two people,carefully flip the desk onto the feet.15. Plug power cord into outlet. Follow operationinstructions to initialize the desk prior to first use.Figure 10141312Figure 111411ASSEMBLY CONTINUEDFigure 9107Figure 86855Lifting ColumnCable13