16Chapter 3: Using the UniFi Controller SoftwareUniFi ™ AP-PRO and AP-AC User GuideUbiquiti Networks, Inc.• Guest Password (Option only available when usingSimple Password authentication) Enter a password thatguests must enter before accepting the Terms of Useand connecting to the Internet.• Expiration (Option only available when using Noauthentication or Simple Password authentication)Allows the specification of guest login expiration aftera designated period of time. Options include: 8 hours,24 hours, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 7 days, and User-defined,which can be designated in minutes, hours, and days.• Custom Portal (Option only available when usingExternal Portal Server authentication) Enter the IPaddress using the following format:• Landing Page (Option only available when usingNo authentication, Simple Password, or Hotspotauthentication) The landing page is the page whereguests are redirected after accepting the Terms of Use.There are two options available:- Redirect to the original URL When this optionis selected, guests are directed to the URL theyrequested after accepting the Terms of Use.- Promotional URL When this option is selected,guests are redirected to the URL that you specify hereafter accepting the Terms of Use. Specify the URL withhttp:// in front of the web address.Example: http://www.ubnt.com• Portal Customization (Option only available whenusing No authentication, Simple Password, or Hotspotauthentication) When enabled, allows customized portalpages to appear in place of default login pages. See“Portal Customization” on page 48 for details onsetting up custom portal pages.• Portal URL Hostname Allows the designation of ahostname for the portal URL in place of the defaultIP address. Paired with a SSL certificate, ensures sitecertificates are displayed as trusted in the guest browser.Example: www.ubnt.comHotspotThe Hotspot options are only visible when Hotspotauthentication is selected.• Voucher When selected, vouchers (includingdistributable code, duration values, and use restrictions)can be created using Hotspot Manager (see “HotspotManager” on page 46).• Payment When enabled, allows payment-basedauthentication to be set up with your PayPal WebsitePayments Pro account. Payments and Transactions canbe managed using Hotspot Manager (see “HotspotManager” on page 46).• PayPal PayPal account details are entered here:- Username Enter the corresponding Username.- Password Enter the corresponding Password.- Signature Enter the corresponding Signature for thePayPal account to be used for receiving payments.- Use Paypal Sandbox For PayPal testing purposes,enable this option and click Apply SandboxAccount to set up/access your PayPal Sandbox TestEnvironment.• Hotspot Operator Click Go to Hotspot Managerto manage Wireless Guests, Payments/Transactions,Vouchers, and Operator Accounts. See “HotspotManager” on page 46.• Apply Click Apply to save changes.When logging in with No authentication, guests will berequired to accept the Terms of Use before gaining accessto the Internet.When logging in with Simple Password authentication,guests will be required to enter the Guest Password andaccept the Terms of Use before gaining access to theInternet.When logging in with Voucher-based Hotspotauthentication, guests will be required to enter thevoucher number and accept the Terms of Use beforegaining access to the Internet.