ULEAD VIDEOSTUDIO USER GUIDE34order of events in your project. The duration of each clip is shown at the bottom ofeach thumbnail.You can drag and drop video clips to insert and arrange them. Transition effects canbe inserted between video clips. A selected video clip can be trimmed in thePreview Window.Timeline ViewTimeline View gives you the most comprehensive display of the elements in yourmovie project. It divides a project into separate tracks for video, overlay, title,voice and music.1 Add/Remove Chapter/Cue PointClick to set chapter or cue points in yourmovie.2 Ripple EditingEnable/Disable Ripple Editing. Whenenabled, allows you to select whichtracks to apply it to.3 Track buttonsClick the buttons to switch betweendifferent tracks.4 Timeline scroll controlEnable/disable scrolling along theTimeline when previewing a clip thatextends beyond the current view.5 Project scroll controlsUse the left and right buttons or drag theScroll Bar to move around your project.6 Selected rangeThis color bar represents the trimmedor selected part of a clip or project.1234 56 789101112