Programming Trunked SystemsYour BC796D is designed to scan most major types of trunking systems, including APCOProject 25 Phase 1 digital communication systems. These systems are briefly describedhere. For a more technical description of each system, see “Understanding Scanning.”General trunking options are also covered in this section. To program the systems, refer tothe sections in the manual referenced below• APCO Project 25 Phase 1 Systems — Digital systems that support the APCO Project 25protocol developed by the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO),the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and Electronic Industries Alliance(EIA). Systems can operate in conventional, trunked (9600), trunked (3600) and mixed-modes (analog and digital) in any frequency band including UHF, VHF, 800 MHz, and 900MHz. See “Programming Motorola Systems.”• MOTOROLA – Including Type I, Type II, Hybrid, SMARTNET, and Privacy Plus. Motorolasystems are widely used by public safety and business users. Most are on the 800 MHzband, and recent systems are appearing on other bands. See “Programming MotorolaSystems.”.• EDACS – Including “Wideband” 9600 baud, and “Narrowband” 4800 baud systems.“Wideband” systems are mostly on the 800 MHz band, and are used by public safety, utili-ties, and business users. Some systems are used on the VHF and UHF bands.“Narrowband” systems are used in the 935-940 MHz band, many by utilities. See“Programming EDACS Systems.”• EDACS SCAT – These systems are mainly used in the Midwestern United States and areone-channel trunking sites using the EDACS format. See “Programming EDACSSystems.”• LTR – These systems are mostly for business users, and found on the UHF, 800 and 900MHz bands. See “Programming LTR Systems.”When tracking these types of systems, remember these important points:• Your scanner defaults to monitor Motorola Type II systems; however, you can change thisif the system in your area is different.• The frequencies for many of the trunked public safety systems are listed in theTrunkTracker National Public Safety Trunked System Frequency Guide included with yourBC796D scanner. Frequencies sometimes change, check with for thelatest information.41