CTCSS & DCS(Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System) & (Digital Coded Squelch)CTCSS is a feature that allows a group to talk to each otherwithout hearing other users on the same channel.1. Press select/ key momentarily to enter CTCSSmode. The current selected CTCSS tone flashes.2. Press key to select the required CTCSStone (OFF or 1-38).3. Press select/ key six times to confirm theselected setting and exit to standby mode.For channels with a CTCSS tone setting, the CTCSS tone is displayed belowthe channel indicator. For channels with the setting of CTCSS OFF, there willbe no display below the channel indicator.DCSDCS is a digital extension of CTCSS. It provides 104 extra, digitallycoded, squelch codes that follow after the 38 CTCSS codes. CTCSS 1-38, followed by DCS 1-99 plus DCS 100-104 (represented by o0-o4 onthe display).1. Press select/ key momentarily to enter CTCSS/DCS mode.2. Use key to select a DCS code. The DCS codesfollow on after the CTCSS codes. The DCS icon willreplace the CTCSS code on the display.3. Press select/ key six times to confirm theselected setting and exit to standby mode.The DCS icon will appear when selected. To turnoff DCS select CTCSS OFF and no display will showbelow the channel indicator.Channels 05 and 35 are used for emergency channels.CTCSS and DCS will not operate on these two channels.(9)