4UNiKA MX-880 Http://www/unika.com.tw4.1 Application as a mixerIntroduction Block Diagram SpecificationsC o n t r o l e l e m e n t s Applications4.APPLICATIONFig. 4.1: Block diagram of the Mixer functionWhen the mono channels are operated in MIX mode, a maximum of 8 (6+2) mono input signals can be summedand routed to the main outputs. In this mode, the individual signal sources are connected to the mono inputs onthe UNIKA MX-880. Each channel has a LEVEL knob to control the amount of its signal relative to others in themain section. Via the corresponding PAN control, each mono input signal can be routed either to the left or rightmain output. Of course, any intermediate pan settings can be achieved as well. The MAIN OUTPUT LEVELcontrol determines the overall level of the main output signal.Since the two main inputs are alternatively routeable to the main outputs, two additional input signals can beadded using the main inputs. For this you have to depress the MAIN LINK switch. However, as these inputs donot feature a PAN control, the left main input will always be routed to the left main output; similarly, the right maininput can only be sent to the right main output. A total of 8 mono channels can thus be routed to two mainoutputs.-6-